On the ferry ride –
that is when I feel alone;
a peak off yonder
When you asked to see photos of my days in ___
I said ‘sure, u can, they’ll all include my ex’
then we both agreed you wouldn’t want to see that
Here I was sitting across from you,
Scrolling to find anything without her
I wish you had said yes, for, she is v cool
And in those photos, I thought of her perhaps just as I think of you now –
My favorite energy thus far
Today I can say a handful of my habits –
My mannerisms, and my interests
were developed during this era with her
Like becoming an adventurous eater –
I think that compounded with a desire to grow
Within a new city,
My first weekend, a farmers mkt with friends,
Before eoy, our date nights
years l888, organic
And I wish I asked
If you would envision a time
When most nights we’d share a bed;
Are you happy? What else do you see?
When you said you didn’t wish to bike
To ____ coffee, or to ____,
Because there was hills
Reflecting, now I think,
Would I never climb another hill all that I live?
That feels so silly
Why do I enjoy climbing?
Because, that’s how I got here to your cool hot fun girl energy.
Tell me,
A more satisfactory way of living?
Looking through the photos now,
I smile for opportunities; the journey.
Love always,