There’s no more dog shit in the yard
The grass is long, wet, fluffy, about an inch of give dependent on the variety
It’s a younger sensation, a grounding exercise bare, enjoyable even in slides
Geese bark, an airplane taking off, somewhere down below – cars
The deer appear more openly each day now, today one with antlers and a partner, the fog behind.
The last four, I was around a dog named Zeke.
We shared property, my yard was his yard first;
My home, his day office.
First he ran, briefly jogged, ultimately walked.
Cesar left yesterday.
One of my oldest friends,
Coming to see me now (my home!!).
The time between where I was then vs where I am now,
Would I have guessed?
We ate fish, drove around, played the hits,
His doctor suggested asthma, he didn’t want to treat it
He jogged up the trail at the end,
The steepest, long hill of the hike
Past me, as I took a photo,
and this mfer kept pushing fwd,
To the v top.
C’s been an inspiration
+ encouraged me for years.
Some of the last four years,
Zeke and I were the only two home.
Dude chilled hard, good naps, good wanders,
Always vibing, loved to eat, an open door,
+ sassy wen u were being a shit.
I do think a lot about the amt of days
On average I have left
And what I want that time to look like ??
Unnecessary devotion.